The SEMTRI-ASI is a total return index that tracks the price performances of the constituents of the SEM-ASI and assumes that the dividends paid by these constituents are reinvested in the same. The SEMTRI-ASI has been calculated as from the value of the SEMTRI of 7th October 2016. Its opening value on the 10th of October was based on the closing value of SEMTRI as at the 7th of October 2016.
Calculation of SEMTRI-ASI
The methodology used for the calculation of the Total Return Index is based on the following approach.
The calculation is undertaken in two steps:
1) The first step is to transpose the total daily announced dividend payments into index points on the ex-dividend date. This is called XD adjustment to the underlying capital index, i.e the SEM-ASI.
The conversion rate applied to convert foreign currencies in MUR will be the CDS Conversion Rate (CCR) of the trade day as defined under section 7.7.1 of the CDS Procedures.
Rules for the maintenance of the SEMTRI-ASI
The maintenance of and operational adjustments to the SEMTRI-ASI in respect of corporate events, such as new listings or delisting, rights issues, bonus issues etc will be done in accordance with the rules governing the maintenance of the underlying capital index, SEM-ASI.
Advantages provided by SEMTRI-ASI
SEMTRI-ASI provides investors with the following benefits: